Agile Logic offers a wide range of
training courses addressing the needs of each stage of your transition,
and each area of your team's practices. We can also customize courses
from our extensive library of training modules to target specialized
project needs.
Core Agile Team Training — This is the essential starting point for preparing
your teams for an agile transition. This seminar provides the core training that establishes a shared base of
agile knowledge and common understanding of the principles and practices of agile development. While based
on the proven practices of Scrum and Extreme Programming, this course provides a thorough grounding in lean and agile
practices from a wide range of methods and approaches.
Scrum Process Training — Agile Logic has taken over seven years of real-world Scrum practice,
combined with our extensive accelerated learning expertise, and designed the most effective, hands-on Scrum
training courses available. Our courses will enable your team to immediately gain the key benefits of Scrum
to successfully deliver your projects.
Certified ScrumMasterTM
& Certified Scrum Product OwnerTM
Agile Logic was one of the very first to offer ScrumMaster certification training in 2004, and we have
certified hundreds of ScrumMasters worldwide. Our expertise in preparing ScrumMasters and Product Owners for their
real-world responsibilities extends far beyond a basic two-day course, and includes meaningful training,
coaching and hands-on mentoring for ScrumMasters and Product Owners in their actual project situations.
In the event you decide Scrum Alliance
certifications are necessary for your agile transition, Agile
Logic can recommend one of our close Certified Scrum Trainer
partners, who can integrate the certification
training into your overall agile transition program.
Agile Technical & Engineering Practices — This course provides a solid grounding in the full
range of agile development practices. In addition to test-driven development, continuous integration,
refactoring, unit testing, build & test automation, this course also includes innovative modules
on emergent architecture & design, agile database practices and agile user interface design.
Agile Quality Assurance Practices — This seminar addresses the approach and practices
for integrating Quality Assurance into agile processes. This course covers the role of quality assurance and
testing personnel in agile processes, agile quality assurance practices, acceptance testing techniques
and tool support for agile testing.
Teamwork & Team Building Skills — This seminar covers many aspects of what it means to be an effective agile
team, including forming successful teams, defining team expectations, conducting collaborative activities,
making decisions effectively, solving problems, establishing a learning culture and understanding the roles
of leadership and followership.